CranioSacral Therapy in Ursy

Holistic Therapy and Craniosacral in Ursy, Fribourg

Eva Ursiny

Therapist in Canton Fribourg

“For me, craniosacral therapy is the perfect method to communicate with my clients on a spiritual level and to activate the body’s own self-healing powers.”

– Eva Ursiny

ASCA Certified Therapist

Certified by ASCA

Basic of CranioSacral Therapy

Upledger’s CranioSacral Therapy is a kind of self-awareness with therapeutic potential. It promotes deep relaxation of the tissue, the nervous system, and the brain. Also, the procedure supports the corrective self-regulation of all fluids and functions in the body, directly impacting the psyche.

Just as the state of the psyche has a direct connection and effect on the body, so with the help of CranioSacral Therapy, one can influence the mind via the soma. Specifically, the CST stimulates the metabolism and flow of all other body fluids such as blood circulation, lymph, and cerebrospinal fluid.

I offer Craniosacral Therapy in Ursy also in combination with homeopathy. If you would like to learn more about me and my therapeutic philosophy, you can find out more on the “About Eva Ursiny” page.

Eva Ursiny Craniosacral in Ursy, Fribourg

“The most important aspect of a potential therapeutic relationship is that the seeker trusts the companion and feels safe.”

-Tav Sparks-

 Thematic Focus Of The Treatment


Stress therapy with cranio

Craniosacral therapy is an excellent tool to loosen stuck stress in the body. Besides, the CranioSacral approach can help to access old trauma and to deal with it. Such residues are often the cause of deep unconscious tissue tension.

Overcoming trauma

In holistic medicine, emotions, or trauma on the emotional level are closely linked to disharmonies on the physical level. CranioSacral therapy can reach through the body on the area of ​​feelings, balance them, and help to achieve inner harmony.

Muscle fascia pain

Craniosacral therapy is specially designed to work and relieve pain in the muscles and fasciae gently. The deeper we can work energetically in the tissue, the more we will get to the informal cause of the complaints and resolve them.

functional complaints

Functional complaints can somatize themselves in the most varied forms and thus limit the individual’s degree of freedom. CST aims to deal with these impairments, alleviate them, and thus enhance the quality of life in the long term.

CranioSacral Therapie in Fribourg


Our cranial bones reflect our inner attitude. They get rigid sometimes because we become stiff and unflexible on a mental level. But that can also be reversed. The more open and relaxed we are, the more flexible our cranial sutures will be. This correlation is a positive feedback spiral. Freedom and openness in the spirit help us represent free and open attitudes, which allows the head to be comfortable and relaxed.

Work with CranioSacral traditionally specializes in the head, spine, and sacrum – Latin sacrum. However, it is not limited to these areas or the physical plane in general. This form of touch can lead people to an experience of “sacred emptiness.” This transcendence is a great gift.



In addition to its anatomical complexity and a myriad of physiological tasks, each cranial bone represents an explicit consciousness aspect. Whenever we perceive or touch a cranial bone in a sensitive state, we likely receive and initiate information from emotional areas.

Specific cranial bones correspond to individual psychological networks. There is a direct analogy to the known acupuncture points and a distinctive connection to individual consciousness states. From a holistic point of view, there is also a link to any organs or clinical pictures.

FAQ Concerning Cranio

The CranioSacral Therapy in Ursy is suitable for all ages and can be used gently even during pregnancy. Babies and toddlers can also benefit from a specially adapted treatment method.

If you are brand new to CranioSacral Therapy, you will find the most important beginners’ questions below. You can also contact me personally and make an appointment immediately if necessary.

What can I expect from this therapy?

If you are brand new to CranioSacral therapy, you will find the most important beginners’ questions below. You can also contact me personally and make an appointment immediately if necessary.

In Craniosacral Therapy (CST), a light touch is applied, which helps to release tension in the body down to the nervous system’s depths. You work on the clothed body, either lying down or sitting. A therapeutic dialogue is also possible during the treatment to stimulate and deepen the process of self-regulation.

This approach depends on the condition, age, and various other factors. A session generally lasts 1 hour, but it may take longer.


It is always useful to have trust, courage, openness, readiness for new things, to explore the unfamiliar, and be ready for change. The deep desire to know yourself better and to recognize who you are is appreciated as well. Turn yourself lovingly and curiously to your inner self and keep the persistent vision that everything is possible.

These are some beneficial attitudes towards deep and possibly heavenly relaxation, letting go of the unusable, liberation from constructs and beliefs that only hinder one’s development, which I do not only wish for my clients.

Can I combine the CST?

CranioSacral Therapy is ideal as a stand-alone treatment. It is also advisable to combine this approach with physiotherapy, homeopathy, or other alternative medical measures.

CranioSacral Therapy Switzerland

Expension Of Consciousness

Transpersonal experiences of consciousness can be defined as the experiential expansion or expansion of consciousness beyond the usual limits of the body-ego and beyond space and time limitations. These experiences include the most varied phenomena that can occur on different levels of reality.

Since the transpersonal phenomena are a comprehensive spectrum of experiences, I will only show a few examples here that we may also be able to observe with CranioSacral Therapy and process support.

Transpersonal experiences leave “objective reality” and go beyond the “here and now.” They are often described with the following examples:

  • Exceeding spatial boundaries;
  • Identification with other people,
  • Identification with animals, extraterrestrial experiences, identification with plants, and botanical processes.
  • Exceeding the limits of linear time;
  • Ancestral experiences, embryonic and fetal experiences, birth experience, surgery, accident, memories of events in previous incarnations.
  • Experiencing physical introversion and narrowing of consciousness; Organ, tissue, and cell awareness.

“What distinguishes my type of CranioSacral Therapy is the subtle and almost spiritual character of how I access and connection with my clients.

Due to the combination of transpersonal techniques and the CST, it is particularly easy for my clients to reach the much deeper layers of their consciousness, which is an enormous advantage in the sustainable healing of trauma.”

– Eva Ursiny

Visit Me in Ursy, Fribourg

Eva Ursiny | CranioSacral

Route d’Ursy 19 | 1675 Vauderens | Fribourg | Switzerland

Phone | Mobile / Whatsapp

+41(0)79-816-6099 | Eva Ursiny


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