Lawkland, Austwick, North Yorkshire

£500,000 - SALE

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Lawkland, Austwick, North Yorkshire
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Strutt & Parker
35 Cadogan Street
Greater London
United Kingdom
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Lawkland, Austwick, North Yorkshire
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Strutt & Parker


A single block of mixed mature woodland
Subject to a 10-year woodland management plan
A detached stone barn
Sporting rights across 438 acres
About 79 acres in total

Lawkland Hall Wood is one block of multi aged mixed conifers and broadleaves, totalling approximately 79 acres. Bluebells which carpet the whole wood are a magnificent sight in spring.

All woodland on the estate is subject to a 10 year woodland management plan, which expires in 2024. A copy is available from the selling agent.

In addition, there is a detached stone barn, called Stalpes Barn, which is located on the track to Lawkland Hall Wood.

Access to Lawkland Hall Wood is along a Byway in Lawkland Green, adjoining the east side of the wood.

If the estate is sold in lots, the sporting rights over Lawkland Hall Farm (Lot 2) will be sold with Lawkland Hall Wood (Lot 3), unless otherwise agreed.

The rolling landscape and varied topography is taken full advantage of to provide an exciting shoot. The ancient woodland and game crops make an ideal combination for presenting high quality birds.

There are five drives out of small woods and game crops, which provide very sporting birds, with the potential for one more. In the main wood, there are further drives.

Lawkland Moss, on the western boundary, is an excellent habitat for snipe and wildfowl. It is normally shot a couple of times a year on rough days with a small party of guns.

There is a flight pond on the Moss, let to the 1st February 2024.

There are a number of roe deer on the estate which have been carefully controlled by the current stalking tenant. The stalking rights are let to the 1st February 2024.

Overall, the property makes an excellent, albeit small sporting estate.

Date posted: 06/10/23