A school has been praised as being ‘a special place to be’ by Ofsted. Chewton Mendip Church of England VA Primary School – which has 106 pupils aged four to eleven – has been rated good in all areas during its December inspection.

“Pupils recognise that Chewton Mendip is a special place to be,” the report states. “Parents and pupils appreciate everything the school does to enrich pupils’ lives.

For example, the school helps pupils to develop confidence through performances such as the school’s nativity and ‘Chewton’s got talent’.

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“Pupils benefit from a well-planned curriculum. The school has high expectations of pupils. Most pupils rise to these. However, on occasion, a few pupils can disrupt the learning of others. Although this is so, children in the early years settle quickly into school routines.

“Pupils make use of the many leadership opportunities provided to them, such as the pupil voice team and wellbeing champions. These pupils promote wellbeing through assembly discussions. They raise awareness about the ways pupils can look after themselves, for example through ‘draw your breath’ activities. Pupils say staff listen to them and help them. This helps them feel safe. Pupils enjoy opportunities to work with the local community, such as the ‘soup lunch’ where they get to recite poetry and sing songs.”

The report praised the new headteacher saying she had ‘maintained a sharp focus on the curriculum’ and that it was ‘carefully sequenced with the knowledge the school wants pupils to learn’.

It adds: “Governors have taken steps to develop their effectiveness since the previous inspection. They now have an improved understanding of the curriculum and how well it is being taught. Governors offer support and challenge to leaders. External advice has been sought by leaders and governors to further develop the curriculum.

“The way in which leaders have engaged with the community during this period of change is a strength of this school. Parents appreciate leaders active engagement with them, for example, through coffee mornings. They recognise that these changes have resulted in their children benefiting from a broad and balanced education at Chewton Mendip.”

Clare Duggan, headteacher, said: “We are delighted with the outcome of our recent Ofsted inspection. Our pupils shared with the inspectors all the wonderful activities and learning they have experienced. Staff work incredibly hard to ensure children get the very best start to their education and are engaged in a broad and enriched curriculum.”