weather Switzerland Boppelsen
  • 15 day forecast

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Time / Hour

Today's Forecast


Forecast established by Régis CRÊPET

Updated at - Next update at (local time)

In Short
expert la chaîne météo Expert’s summary

Tonight in Boppelsen, Overcast skies with risk of thundery outbreaks. Heavy showers in the early hours.
Temperatures will vary between 13 and 18°C.
The reliability of the situation is relatively good.

This evening

Rain or stormy rain
13° Feels Like 13°
Gust 15 km/h Calm
Overcast with a risk of outbreaks of thunder.
Heavy showers starting at the end of the evening.
Risk of rain 100 %
UV index 0 Low


Rain or stormy rain
13° Feels Like 12°
Gust 15 km/h Calm
Overcast with a risk of outbreaks of thunder.
A few heavy showers.
Risk of rain 90 %


Sunday 2 june

  • Day
    +1 min
  • Waning
  • Sunrise
  • Sunset
  • Erasmus

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