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Range Safety Officer Salary in Alabama

$22,660 - $30,363
5% of jobs
$30,364 - $37,614
12% of jobs
$43,100 is the 25th percentile. Salaries below this are outliers.
$37,615 - $45,318
11% of jobs
$45,319 - $53,023
10% of jobs
$53,024 - $60,274
17% of jobs
The average salary is $61,620 a year
$60,275 - $67,978
15% of jobs
$72,500 is the 75th percentile. Salaries above this are outliers.
$67,979 - $75,229
9% of jobs
$75,230 - $82,934
6% of jobs
$82,935 - $90,638
4% of jobs
$92,451 is the 90th percentile. Salaries above this are outliers.
$90,639 - $97,889
3% of jobs
$97,890 - $105,141
2% of jobs
Alabama Average
$22,660 $61,620 /year $105,141
$30 /hour
$1,888 - $2,530
5% of jobs
$2,530 - $3,134
12% of jobs
$3,591 is the 25th percentile. Salaries below this are outliers.
$3,135 - $3,776
11% of jobs
$3,777 - $4,419
10% of jobs
$4,419 - $5,023
17% of jobs
The average salary is $5,135 a month
$5,023 - $5,665
15% of jobs
$6,041 is the 75th percentile. Salaries above this are outliers.
$5,665 - $6,269
9% of jobs
$6,269 - $6,911
6% of jobs
$6,911 - $7,553
4% of jobs
$7,704 is the 90th percentile. Salaries above this are outliers.
$7,553 - $8,157
3% of jobs
$8,158 - $8,762
2% of jobs
Alabama Average
$1,888 $5,135 /month $8,762
$30 /hour
$436 - $584
5% of jobs
$584 - $723
12% of jobs
$828 is the 25th percentile. Wages below this are outliers.
$723 - $872
11% of jobs
$872 - $1,020
10% of jobs
$1,020 - $1,159
17% of jobs
The average wage is $1,185 a week
$1,159 - $1,307
15% of jobs
$1,394 is the 75th percentile. Wages above this are outliers.
$1,307 - $1,447
9% of jobs
$1,447 - $1,595
6% of jobs
$1,595 - $1,743
4% of jobs
$1,777 is the 90th percentile. Wages above this are outliers.
$1,743 - $1,882
3% of jobs
$1,882 - $2,022
2% of jobs
Alabama Average
$436 $1,185 /week $2,022
$30 /hour
$10.89 - $14.60
5% of jobs
$14.60 - $18.08
12% of jobs
$20.72 is the 25th percentile. Wages below this are outliers.
$18.08 - $21.79
11% of jobs
$21.79 - $25.49
10% of jobs
$25.49 - $28.98
17% of jobs
The average wage is $29.63 an hour
$28.98 - $32.68
15% of jobs
$34.86 is the 75th percentile. Wages above this are outliers.
$32.68 - $36.17
9% of jobs
$36.17 - $39.87
6% of jobs
$39.87 - $43.58
4% of jobs
$44.45 is the 90th percentile. Wages above this are outliers.
$43.58 - $47.06
3% of jobs
$47.06 - $50.55
2% of jobs
Alabama Average
$10.89 $30 /hour $50.55
Annual Salary Monthly Pay Weekly Pay Hourly Wage
Top Earners $92,451 $7,704 $1,777 $44
75th Percentile $72,500 $6,041 $1,394 $35
Average $61,620 $5,135 $1,185 $30
25th Percentile $43,100 $3,591 $828 $21
Range Safety Officer Salary in Alabama Comparison by Location
United States
United States

How much does a Range Safety Officer make in Alabama?

As of Apr 30, 2024, the average annual pay for a Range Safety Officer in Alabama is $61,620 a year. Just in case you need a simple salary calculator, that works out to be approximately $29.63 an hour. This is the equivalent of $1,185/week or $5,135/month.

While ZipRecruiter is seeing salaries as high as $105,141 and as low as $22,660, the majority of Range Safety Officer salaries currently range between $43,100 (25th percentile) to $72,500 (75th percentile) with top earners (90th percentile) making $92,451 annually in Alabama.

The average pay range for a Range Safety Officer varies greatly (as much as $29,400), which suggests there may be many opportunities for advancement and increased pay based on skill level, location and years of experience.

Based on recent job posting activity on ZipRecruiter, the Range Safety Officer job market in Alabama is not very active as few companies are currently hiring.

Alabama ranks number 24 out of 50 states nationwide for Range Safety Officer salaries.

To estimate the most accurate annual salary range for Range Safety Officer jobs, ZipRecruiter continuously scans its database of millions of active jobs published locally throughout America.

Find your next high paying job as a Range Safety Officer on ZipRecruiter today.

What are Top 10 Highest Paying Cities for Range Safety Officer Jobs in Alabama

The best city in Alabama for Range Safety Officer salaries is Mobile with an average annual salary of $476 (0.8%) above the $61,620.

The opportunities for economic advancement as a Range Safety Officer are extremely limited, although a possible lower cost of living may be another factor to consider.

Finally, another factor to consider is the average salary for these top 10 cities varies very little at 16% between Mobile and Auburn, reinforcing the limited potential for much wage advancement. The possibility of a lower cost of living may be the best factor to use when considering location and salary for a Range Safety Officer role.

CityAnnual SalaryMonthly PayWeekly PayHourly Wage

What are Top 5 Best Paying Related Range Safety Officer Jobs in Alabama

We found at least 5 jobs related to the Range Safety Officer job category that pay more per year than a typical Range Safety Officer salary in Alabama. Top examples of these roles include: Health Officer, Health Promotion Officer, and Health Compliance Officer.

Importantly, all of these jobs are paid between $22,939 (37.2%) and $44,157 (71.7%) more than the average Range Safety Officer salary of $61,620. If you’re qualified, getting hired for one of these related Range Safety Officer jobs may help you make more money than that of the average Range Safety Officer position.

Job TitleAnnual SalaryMonthly PayWeekly PayHourly Wage
Health Officer$105,777$8,814$2,034$50.85
Health Promotion Officer$98,887$8,240$1,901$47.54
Health Compliance Officer$92,126$7,677$1,771$44.29
Public Health Officer$86,589$7,215$1,665$41.63
Safety Management$84,559$7,046$1,626$40.65
About Our Data
ZipRecruiter salary estimates, histograms, trends and comparisons are derived from both employer job postings and third party data sources.
Range Safety Officer Salary in Alabama. Average salary is $61,620 or $29.63 an hour